Talks, Workshops & Programs

Our world is understanding and influencing human decision-making.

Rarely have those skills been more important. This is how we teach them.

Our talks and workshops are designed to engage, stretch, and inspire audiences and groups to stretch their skills in understanding human perspectives and influencing the choices and behaviors of human stakeholders.

From negotiation to communicating across boundaries to customer experience design to healthy leadership decision-making...Combined, we teach all the elements that prepare leaders to deliver optimal outcomes in any scenario of an unpredictable world.

Delivered in-person globally or virtually. For information, drop Vera a note.

The Anatomy of a Good Idea

The guide to innovation. How to identify the relevant problem; select relevant ideation techniques; ensure diversity of inputs; filter to relevant application.

45 mins to 1.5 hrs

Ace [Keynote / Workshop Session]

Communicating Across Boundaries to Build Trust

In a world that feels increasingly socially fissured, this is the highly interactive guide to how to actively listen and create space for other voices, communicate in a style that strengthens the advocacy of team members, and create emotional environments where all can confidently give voice to their ideas and opinions.

45 mins - 3 hrs

Elizabeth [Keynote / Workshop Session]

The Negotiator’s Guide to Influence

How to gather open source intelligence to build profiles of the motivations of those you’re seeking to influence; using stagecraft to communicate through all five senses; navigating through - rather than around - conflict to reach optimal agreements.

45 mins to 1.5 hrs

Scott [Keynote]

From Surviving to Thriving

Understanding the six fatigues. How we address them as individual leaders to make better decisions, and how we create cultures in organizations that generate sustainable performance.

45 mins to 1.25 hrs

Alan - Lucy - Scott [Keynote]

De-Escalation in an Increasingly Intense World

In a society fueled up on certainty of opinions, the session explains the role of algorithmic nudges in our digital environments, being able to identify potential conflict early, and teaches techniques of de-escalation through language, voice tone, proxemics, and environment.

60 mins to 2 hrs

Scott - Ace - Elizabeth [Workshop Session]

Inside Inclusion

Interactive executive session that contextualizes DEI within today’s culture, how to reinvent policy to work towards DEI goals, and how to embed DEI into core functions for strategic advantage.

60mins to 2hrs

Ace [Workshop Session]

Wrangling Egos

Forceful characters abound in business and government. This session is for those peers and subordinates who have to wrangle them. How to balance winning an argument vs. achieving an outcome; address demographic bias in decision-making; saying no and defying redlines while maintaining working relationships; grounding yourself to handle the tough conversations.

45 mins to 2 hrs

Scott [Keynote / Workshop Session]

Executive Influence in a Digital World

Executive presence must now extend beyond the in-person town hall or board meeting. In this talk, we cover how to engage all participants during virtual and hybrid meetings and ensure distribution of perspectives, leverage stagecraft for digital influence, and deploy hybrid in an equitable style that motivates.

45 mins to 1.25 hrs

Ace - Scott [Keynote]


Moving beyond performative statements around DEI, Ace and Scott talk through the pragmatic steps of someone from an “in’ group providing genuine allyship to individuals of an “out” group on the basis of mutual partnership. Honest, direct, and sometimes pushing against the trends of the moment. A deep dive into a serious subject without the presenters taking themselves seriously.

45 mins to 2 hrs

Ace / Scott [Keynote / Workshop Session]

Negotiation and Influence

Whether you have the “right” answer or not, impact is only made if you’ve influenced and negotiated with key stakeholders to make it happen. This workshop draws the best from negotiation theory, behavioral economics, and neuroeconomics to teach techniques in influencing executive choices and negotiating so all parties walk away having made progress and desire to work together further.

1-2 Days

Scott / Jamie / Ace / Roger [Workshop]