Executive Influence in a Digital World

Shaping perceptions and decisions across virtual and hybrid environments.

Executive Influence in a Digital World

Speaker Bios: Ace Callwood / Scott Wayne

Fees & Availability: Contact Vera Gillespie

Skills: Stagecraft; Communication Across Boundaries; Organizational Influence

Key Takeaways:

  1. How to engage all participants during virtual and hybrid meetings and measure voice of each to ensure distribution of perspectives.

  2. What stagecraft is, why it’s important, and how to leverage it.

  3. How to deploy equity, empathy, and diversity of perspectives in a hybrid world to engage, collaborate, and motivate.

Locations: In-person globally, or virtually.

While the components that make up our hybrid world are not new, we have to be innovative in how we use them in nuanced ways. Work from home doesn’t look the same for everyone, and not everyone has the same tools at their disposal. How do we level with our teams?

We walk audiences through the importance of stagecraft for building trust, reaching agreements, and communicating across boundaries in virtual and hybrid formats. We’ll guide you through sorting minutiae and how to disenthrall yourself from yourself. You’ll receive practical examples of how to diversify perspectives, display transparency, and build conducive agendas.

At the end, you’ll leave with most important critical advantage for communicating in hybrid methods: being your real human self.