
Moving from performative statements to pragmatic, impactful partnerships.


Speaker Bios: Ace Callwood / Scott Wayne

Envoy Notes: Ace / Scott

Fees & Availability: Contact Vera Gillespie

Skills: Partnership Building; Building Deep, Interpersonal Relationships; Communicating Across Boundaries.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Language: Allyship and other terms.

  2. Reframing Allyship to Partnership.

  3. Understanding Motive.

  4. Partnership Building 101.

Locations: In-person globally, or virtually


Welcome to the Allyship session, a conversation designed to explore what allyship means in pursuit of inclusive organizations, how we can all leverage our various forms of privilege to ally with groups in our personal and professional lives, and how to deploy tools designed to build meaningful partnerships with others.

This high-energy, interactive session with Ace and Scott dives into “How do I do allyship?” They share the importance of deep listening, help participants identify individual motives, highlight privilege and advantage, and discuss with participants what makes them uncomfortable.

We roam through understandings of “in” and “out” groups, types of power that can be deployed in organizations, trust building, and guide through the differences in roles of coach, mentor, and sponsor. We cover the “difficult” questions and take aim at some of the performative statements over substantive actions. Throughout, Ace and Scott take the subject very seriously while themselves far less so.